Sunday, February 01, 2009

Wish I Stayed Fit through Winter

Boy I wish I had stayed on the bike this winter. I went out for my third ride of the season today and I really felt the lack of fitness. I was really slow! The worst part was going up the
hills. It's usually something I enjoy and excel at. Today it was just plain painful.

I've been using a free trial of AllSport GPS. It's a very cool little bit of software that runs on my blackberry. I start it up and stick my blackberry in my jersey and it continuously samples my location according to the GPS on my phone. At the end of the ride it uploads the details to which lets me get at some pretty cool info about the ride. Things like average speed, speed profile, elevation profile and of course a map of where I rode. It also lets you compare rides, though I haven't had the opportunity to try this yet.

Here's the details of the ride from

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