This year the 4
th graders in Cayla's school went on a week long field trip to
Coloma, CA.
Coloma is a small town outside of
Placerville, made famous by the discovery of gold there in 1848. To give the kids a taste of what life was like back then they weren't allowed the normal comforts of modern life. They ate all their meals outside, weren't allowed to use any electronics, and worst of all weren't allowed to use phones - all communication with parents was via written letters! There was one exception: they were allowed to take pictures. I sent Cayla with two disposable cameras - she used one whole camera the first day!
I went as a chaperon on the trip. I'm so glad I did, it was a blast. Unfortunately I wasn't able to chaperon for Cayla's group, but I did get a few opportunities to see and talk with her each day. I bunked with 14 boys and one other chaperon. 14 boys in one cabin was a lot to deal with!
It was a really great trip. I hope to go again when Christopher goes.
Coloma is a great town too. It's full of gold rush history, which I find very interesting.
Read about Coloma at Wikipedia.
I heard stories while I was there about Cayla getting dragged around the girls dorm. This was apparently a game they played each night.

Here's me with a couple of the boys from my group.
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